
Blasting Plug

The Blasting Plug provides pipe closure during the external blasting process. The internal pipe surface remains clean and is protected against damage and impact of steel grit and prevents the Blasting Plug of ovality. 

The Blasting Plug exists out of a basic construction and can be equipped with several options that fit in a specific blasting process.

The range of blasting plugs offers the following advantages:

  • No blasting grit inside the pipe
  • Bevel protection during external blasting
  • Vent hole included to avoid pipe overpressure
  • Strong clamping
  • Internal pipe diameter tolerances of –0 till +6 can be captured by adding rubber underlay
  • Dostupné v různých rozměrech (51 – 1 626 mm) , provedeních a materiálech (hliník, pryž)

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